Harvest Tools

The Father is preparing “People of Peace” who will not only welcome Him into their lives, but will bring Him into the lives of people around them.
We can be confident that God is sovereignly preparing these people - and if the New Testament is any indication, they may not be the people we expect!
The conversation grid is a simple tool that can help us discover where God’s Spirit is at work and the people whose hearts are open to us and to the Father.
1. Choose the top 5 people you are praying for.
2. What kinds of interactions are you having with them?
Are they casual conversations about food or the weather?
Are they meaningful - about issues that are deeper or more personal? This might include personal challenges, relationships, or religious matters.
Are they spiritual, touching on matters of faith or spirituality and the unseen world?
Are they discovery-type interactions, where the person is leaning in and asking questions about your God/your faith/the Bible?
3. Place their names on the Conversation Grid and reflect prayerfully. What awareness or insights do you have as you do this? Pray into what you see.
4. If you notice your interactions are more casual, prepare some questions you can ask, or personal experiences you can share to “test the water” with meaningful or spiritual conversations next time you see them. If you are already have meaingful or spiritual interactions, think about how you could explore whether the Spirit is stirring hunger in them to know God better, experience Him, and/or see for themselves what the Bible says.
Affinity Groups
Jesus did not come with a sales pitch - He came with the good news that God’s reign and rule were available in a new way, and He sowed the Kingdom into the brokenness and lostness of the communities He encountered.
For tax collectors (another affinity group!) their brokenness was social and religious exclusion. Jesus practically ministered to their brokenness they felt as He brought the good news that would heal their lostness.
Choose 3 affinities that are most accessible and/or closest to your heart.
- List 2 top areas of brokenness that members of the affinity group would identify
- Who else do I know who cares about these affinities?
(They don’t have to be disciples of Jesus!)
- How could I/we help bring peace/wholeness to these areas?