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Harvest Tips

Some thoughts to spur us on

Acts 17:26-27

Paul makes it very clear that every person’s time and place are specifically appointed by God so that they might reach for Him and find Him. Wow. 

Sit and soak in that for a few moments. That means you, and every person around you has been sovereignly placed for this person. People are not in your life by accident. You are not in their life by accident. God is at work. This should encourage us! It should also drive us to prayer - how are You working, Father? How can we partner with You?

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Image by Rémi Walle

Jn 6:44-45

It’s very common for us to think about evangelism with a sense of obligation and pressure - as if someone’s salvation depends entirely on our words. The liberating truth is that it is the Father’s voice that matters. This changes the questions we ask about evangelism.

Who are You drawing to Jesus?

Where are the responsive hearts?

How do I help people listen to You?


Truly effective harvest engagement MUST start with listening for God’s activity & initiative.

Acts 16:12-15

In cities, relationships often form strongest around shared needs, shared causes and/or shared passions. We can call these points of connection, “affinity”. This story describes Paul and his team connecting with an affinity group in Philippi who shared an interest in prayer. Relationships and information naturally flow through affinity groups, and as the gospel enters an affinity, it will spread too! 

In the complexity of cities, “affinity” can be a helpful way of thinking as we ask God how we can partner with Him. 

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