for Asian Cities
Any move of God is grounded in prayer. We press in, seeking His will to be done here on earth, as in Heaven. We listen and respond in intercession and action, trusting Him to guide us as He works to bless and transform the cities, and draw people to Himself.

Pray for God's wisdom for the government to implement policies that will benefit all.
A shift in mindset amongst Christians towards discipleship as the primary goal instead of conversion.
Raising up of harvest workers from the body of Christ.

Kuala Lumpur
Harvest labourers, and disciples to overcome fear, apathy and unforgiveness.
For affirmative policies to unite the nation.
Strengthening and unity of the body of Christ.

God will raise up a team of Harvest workers
Christians within the city-state to be united in their love for God, reaching out and loving the community so that the people may glorify God
That God will relight the fires so that Singapore can be the Antioch of Asia once again

Phnom Penh
Pray for the knowledge of God's glory to cover Phnom Penh like waters cover the seas (Hab 2:14)
Pray for God's will to be done in Phnom Penh as in heaven (Mt 6:10)

Pray for flourishing homes and sustainable communities.
Pray for God's healing among the broken homes.
Pray for a turning away human trafficking, drug abuse and other expressions of brokenness

Pray for the knowledge of God's glory to cover Taipei like waters cover the seas (Hab 2:14)
Pray for God's will to be done in Taipei as in heaven (Mt 6:10)

Hong Kong
Pray that God would give us insight, wisdom and blessing as we continue to adapt Disciple Making Movement (DMM) tools.
Pray that believers will respond in faith through Scripture discovery.
Pray that God would strengthen and bless our team as we grow, uniting us together in the same Kingdom vision for a DMM.

Pray for more team members who have the heart for the Kingdom and work among lostness and brokenness.
For God to bring the right people to the upcoming round of introductory training.
Translators who can partner with the team, particularly in the translation of training materials.

Pray for the power to withstand hardship, stress, persecution and suffering.
Ask God to raise up a team in the nation with a vision for replicating discipleship and Disciple Making Movements (DMM)
Ask God to break through brokenness and bring hope, light and peace to hungry hearts.